Drugi trening za zvaničnike političkih partija[:en]Second training for political parties

[:sr]Na treningu su učestvovali članovi Srpske napredne stranke, Socijalističke partije Srbije, Demokratske stranke, Socijal-demokratske stranke, Socijal-demokratske stranke Srbije, pokreta Dosta je bilo, Lige socijal-demokrata Vojvodine, Saveza vojvođanskih Mađara, Ujedinjene Srbije, Nove stranke. Među učesnicima treninga našli su se i zvaničnici poput narodnih poslanika, pokrajinskih poslanika (iz Skupštine Autonomne pokrajine Vojvodine), potpredsednici izvršnih odbora političkih partija, predsednici omladinskih i ženskih foruma pomenutih partija.

Posebna novina na ovom treningu Akademije bilo je jednako prisustvo žena i muškaraa na treningu vezanom za rodnu jednakost u političkim partijama. Ovo je omogućilo našim trenerima i trenericama da sprovedu radionice u grupama podeljenim po muško-ženskom kriterijumu, čime se direktno može meriti raznolikost u stavovima između muških i ženskih zvaničnika.

Predavanja, radionice i diskusije sprovođeni su iz oblasti novog zakonodavstva rodne jednakosti i njegovog uticaja na političke partije, analize tela i institucija koje promovišu ili se suprotstavljaju rodnoj jednakosti unutar političkih partija, kao i potencijala za unapređenje statusa povoljnih mehanizama.

Kao i uvek, težili smo da iznedrimo najkvalitetniji sadržaj za naše učesnice i učesnike, tako da je trening bio podeljen u tri segmenta. Prvi segment je podrazumevao analizu mogućih promena u legislativi rodne jednakosti i njenog mogućeg uticaja na političke partije i njihove aktivnosti. Ovaj deo treninga je sprovela profesorka Marijana Pajvančić. Druga sesija koju je moderirala Sonja Lokar pokazala je razlike u percepciji mehanizama rodne jednakosti unutar partija između muških i ženskih partijskih predstavnika. Finalni deo treninga koji je moderirala Biljana Maletin je ponudio otvoreni dijalog i razmenu mišljenja u vezi sa optimalnim strategijama za poboljšanje mehanizama i institucija rodne jednakosti unutar političkih partija nakon radionice koja se bavila analizom postojećih mehanizama i kapaciteta za njihovo delovanje.

Akademija će težiti da nastavi sa dobrom praksom pružanja korisnih i tematski fokusiranih treninga za donosioce odluka u političkim partijama.[:en]Training participants included officials such as National MPs, Provincial MPs (from the parliament of Autonomous province of Vojvodina), vice-presidents of political parties’ executive boards, presidents of parties’ youth and women forums. One specific novelty of this training of the Academy was equal representation of men and women on the training related to gender equality within the political parties. This enabled our trainers to conduct workshops in groups divided using man-women criteria, thus directly measuring variety in views between male and female officials. Lectures, workshops and discussions were conducted on the topics of new gender equality legislation and its effects for political parties, analysis of bodies and institutions that promote or demote gender equality within the political parties, and potential for advancing the status of favorable mechanisms.

As always, we strived to deliver best quality content for our participants, so the training was roughly divided into three segments:

First one analyzed possible changes in the gender equality legislation, and its probable impact for political parties and their activities. This part of the training was facilitated by professor Marijana Pajvancic. Second session, moderated by Sonja Lokar, showed the differences in perception of inter-party gender equality mechanisms of male and female political parties’ officials. Final part of training, moderated by Biljana Maletin, saw an open dialogue and exchange of opinions in relation to optimal strategies for improving the gender equality mechanisms and institutions within political parties, following the analytical workshop of existing mechanisms and capacities for their operation.

The Academy hopes to continue good practice in providing useful thematically focused trainings for political party decision makers.

On Thursday, December 15, Women’s Leadership Academy presented its program and capacities to delegation of women politicians from Tajikistan during their visit to Serbia organized by the OSCE. The presentation of Women’s Leadership Academy activities took place at the OSCE Mission in Serbia Headquarters. The Tajik delegation believes that the Academy is international example of good practice for empowering the women for political engagement, and they are looking forward to cooperating with Academy and its experts in the future. School for women political leaders is to be opened in Tajikistan in 2017 and women politicians from this country were happy to invite the Academy experts to help them with initiation of similar program in their own country.

Debate and exchange of experiences between Tajik delegation and Women’s Leadership Academy team and alumnae was very lively, and despite the language and cultural differences, there were a lot of similarities and common issues between two groups. Both the Academy team and alumnae are looking forward to a next opportunity for dissemination of know-how and lessons learned, as well as international cooperation.[:]

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